Good Gear = Good Sound |
Owning - and knowing how to use - the right tools is critical to the success of any project. That is why we have assembled a collection of top quality audio tools to make your project sound as good as possible.
Our extensive list of gear includes hardware and software from top names such as;
API, Apogee, Ableton, Alesis, Allen&Heath, AKG, Antares, audio-technica, Auralex, Benchmark, Bomb Factory, dbx, Digidesign, Event, Fender, Focusrite, Gibson, Groove Tubes, IK Multimedia, JBL, Korg, Mackie, Monster Cable, Neumann, PreSonus, Propellerheads, Sennheiser, Shure, Sony, Soundcraft, TASCAM, t.c. electronic, and Waves.